
 * @summary Abstract base class representing a Psuedo Random Number Generator.
 * @abstract
 * @class
 * Represents an abstract base class for psuedo-random number generators. This class shouldn't be instantiated directly.
 * @description This class is intended to be extended by specific implementations such as {@link LCG}, {@link Mulberry32} or {@link XORShift32}.
export class PRNG {
     * Creates an instance of PRNG.
     * @param {number} [seed=Date.now()] - The initial seed value for the PRNG.
    constructor(seed = Date.now()) {
        this.seed = seed;

     * Returns the maximum possible value that the PRNG can generate.
     * @returns {number} - The maximum value of the PRNG.
     * @throws {Error} - Must be implemented by subclasses.
    maxValue() {
        throw new Error("Method maxValue() must be implemented.")

     * Generates the next psuedo-random number.
     * @returns {number} - The next psuedo-random number.
     * @throws {Error} - Must be implemented by subclasses.
    next() {
        throw new Error("Method next() must be implemented.")

     * Generate a random float in the range [0, 1).
     * @returns {number} - A number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
    randomFloat() {
        return this.next() / this.maxValue();

     * Generate a random float in the range [-1, 1).
     * @returns {number} - A number between -1 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
    randomBipolarFloat() {
        return this.randomFloat() * 2 - 1;

     * Generate a random integer from a specified range of values.
     * @param {number} min - The minimum integer value (inclusive).
     * @param {number} max - The maximum integer value (exclusive).
     * @returns {number} - A random integer between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).
    randomInteger(min, max) {
        const range = max - min;
        return min + Math.floor(this.randomFloat() * range);

     * Select a random element from an array.
     * @param {array} array - The array from which to select an element.
     * @returns {*} - A randomly selected element from the array.
    randomElement(array) {
        const index = Math.floor(this.randomFloat() * array.length);
        return array[index];

     * Returns a boolean based on a specified probability.
     * @param {number} [chance=0.5] - The probability of returning true (between 0 and 1).
     * @returns {boolean} - True if the random float is less than the chance, otherwise false.
    randomChance(chance = 0.5) {
        return this.randomFloat() < chance;

     * Selects an option probabalistically from a set of weighted choices.
     * @param {Array<Object>} choices - An array of objects with `option` and `weight` properties.
     * @param {function|number|string} choices[].option - The outcome of the choice.
     * @param {number} choices[].weight - The weight of the choice. Higher weights (relative to the other choices) increase the likelihood of selection.
     * @returns {function|number|string} - The selected option.
    randomWeighted(choices) {
        const length = choices.length;

        let totalWeight = 0;
        for (let choice of choices) {
            totalWeight += choice.weight;

        const randomNumberInRange = this.randomFloat() * totalWeight;
        let cumulativeWeight = 0;
        for (let choice of choices) {
            cumulativeWeight += choice.weight;
            if (randomNumberInRange < cumulativeWeight) {
                if (typeof choice.option === 'function') {
                    return choice.option();

                return choice.option;

 * LCG (Linear Congruential Generator) Pseudorandom Number Generator Class
 * @extends PRNG
 * @summary Implements the LCG algorithm to generate pseudorandom numbers.
 * @description
 * This class provides the LCG method of generating psuedorandom
 * numbers to the {@link PRNG} class.
 * @example
 * const rng = new LCG(123456789);
 * console.log(rng.next()); // Generates a pseudorandom number
 * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator
export class LCG extends PRNG {
     * Creates an instance of LCG.
     * @param {number} seed - The seed value for the LCG PRNG.
    constructor(seed) {
        this.modulus = 2 ** 32;
        this.multiplier = 1664525;
        this.increment = 1013904223;
        this.state = this.seed;

     * Generates the next pseudorandom number.
     * @returns {number} A pseudorandom number in the range [0-1).
    next() {
        this.state = (this.multiplier * this.state + this.increment) % this.modulus;
        return this.state;

     * Returns the maximum possible value of the LCG.
     * @returns {number} The maximum value (2^32).
    maxValue() {
        return this.modulus;

 * Mulberry32 Pseudorandom Number Generator Class
 * @extends PRNG
 * @summary Implements the Mulberry32 algorithm to generate pseudorandom numbers.
 * @description
 * This class provides the Mulberry32 method of generating psuedorandom
 * numbers to the {@link PRNG} class.
 * The Mulberry32 algorithm was written by Tommy Ettinger in 2017 and is released to the public domain, meaning it can be freely used, modified, and distributed without restrictions.
 * @example
 * const rng = new Mulberry32(123456789);
 * console.log(rng.next()); // Generates a pseudorandom number
 * @see https://gist.github.com/tommyettinger/46a874533244883189143505d203312c

export class Mulberry32 extends PRNG {
     * Creates an instance of Mulberry32.
     * @param {number} seed - The seed value for the Mulberry32 PRNG.
    constructor(seed) {
        this.state = this.seed;

     * Returns the maximum possible value of Mulberry32.
     * @returns {number} The maximum value (2^32).
    maxValue() {
        return 2 ** 32;

     * Generates the next psuedo-random number.
     * @returns {number} A number in the range [0-1).
     * @example
     * // Returns a random number in the range [0-1)
     * const rng = new Mulberry32();
     * console.log(rng.next());
    next() {
        let t = this.state += 0x6D2B79F5;
        t = Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 15, 1 | t);
        t = t + Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 7, 61 | t) ^ t;
        this.state = t ^ t >>> 14;
        return this.state >>> 0;

 * XORShift32 Pseudorandom Number Generator Class
 * @extends PRNG
 * @summary Implements the XORShift32 algorithm to generate pseudorandom numbers.
 * @description
 * This class provides the XORShift32 method of generating psuedorandom
 * numbers to the {@link PRNG} class. It uses bitwise operations
 * to generate a sequence of pseudorandom 32-bit unsigned integers.
 * The XORShift algorithm was written by Geogrge Marsaglia in 2003 and is released to the public domain, meaning it can be freely used, modified, and distributed without restrictions.
 * @example
 * const rng = new XORShift32(123456789);
 * console.log(rng.next()); // Generates a pseudorandom number
 * @see Marsaglia, G. (2003) "XORShift RNGs", Journal of Statistical Software
 *      https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v008i14

export class XORShift32 extends PRNG {
    constructor(seed) {
        this.state = this.seed;

   * Returns the maximum possible value of XORShift32.
   * @returns {number} The maximum value (2^32).
    maxValue() {
        return 2 ** 32;

     * Generates the next psuedo-random number.
     * @returns {number} A number in the range [0-1).
     * @example
     * // Returns a random number in the range [0-1)
     * const rng = new XORShift32();
     * console.log(rng.next());
    next() {
        let a = this.state;
        a ^= a << 13;
        a ^= a >>> 17;
        a ^= a << 5;
        this.state = a >>> 0; // Ensure it stays a 32-bit unsigned integer
        return this.state;

 * @summary Create a random hexadecimal string of a specified length.
 * @description Uses Math.random() to make a hexadecimal string for
 * setting the seed of a {@link Plot} to be used in a seedable {@link PRNG} such as {@link LCG}
 * @param {number} n - Number of digits 
 * @returns {string} - Hexadecimal string of length n
export function unseededRandomHex(n) {
    const hexArray = Array.from({
        length: n
    }, () => {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)
    const hex = hexArray.join("");
    const decimal = parseInt(hex, 16);

    return {
        hex, decimal